Here’s how animals lead to happier customers: Guest Post.
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Here’s how animals lead to happier customers: Guest Post.

Hello! Today’s post is a guest post from Marissa Perez, the blogger at According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 38.4% of homes in the US have dogs and more than 25% have cats. This equates to around 80 million canine and feline companions. It’s obvious that people love their pets. As a business…

My top 7 favorite study tools that got me a 4.0 gpa last semester.
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My top 7 favorite study tools that got me a 4.0 gpa last semester.

It’s that time again. Studying season. Finals and other exams coming up, days seem shorter, to-do list getting longer. Summer is getting closer, and the heat is either cheering you up or making you grumpy(I’m both). You need some study tools that help you make it to the finish line, and win. This post has…

How To Make The Perfect Avocado Toast in 5 Steps: Mastering the Basics.
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How To Make The Perfect Avocado Toast in 5 Steps: Mastering the Basics.

I’m guessing that you clicked on this because you, my friend, like avocados. Maybe even love avocados.  This is why I’m here to teach you how to make the best avocado toast. Are you ready to have your taste buds blown away? Let’s go. WHOA WHOA before we really start do you have the most…

How To Start Reading When You’ve Been Procrastinating.
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How To Start Reading When You’ve Been Procrastinating.

We’ve all done it. It’s on your bookshelf or saved on your device. You’ve been meaning to get to it, but you just don’t have the “I’m going to read a book now.” mindset. Besides it’s not like you have a deadline, you can always read it. Or perhaps you do. Your subscriptions or book loans…

How To Start Journaling: Beginner’s Guide; (5 Valuable Tips: 2023)
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How To Start Journaling: Beginner’s Guide; (5 Valuable Tips: 2023)

post was updated march 15, 2023. “Journaling is paying attention to the inside, for the purpose of living well on the outside” – Lee Wise Journalling. Ah. There’s peace in knowing, one day, your words could be read by millions. But at the same time, frightening. In these pages are the words of your soul,…

Quarantine changed us all. It’s not unexpected.
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Quarantine changed us all. It’s not unexpected.

It’s true. We’ve all changed. Perhaps, not physically, though some of us have, thanks to workout influencers, but we definitely have mentally. How could we not? We’re stuck at home, listening to terrors happening every morning, wondering when this dreaded pandemic is going to be over. We find ways to cope during quarantine, things we…